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                              1st Year

    Compulsary Subject
S.N. Subject Code Subject Name
1. Cenp. 401 Compulsory Nepali
2. Ceng. 411 General English
3. Ed. 412 Philo. & Socio. Foundations of Edu.
    Major Subject
1. Eco. 416 Economic Analysis
2. Eco. 417 Quantitative Techni.
3 Eng. 416 Found. of Language & Linguistics
4 Eng. 417 Reading, Writing & Critical Thinking
5 HP. 416 Foundation Of Health Edu.
6 HP. 417 Foundation of Physical Education
7 Nep. 416 Nepali Katha Ra Upanyas
8 Nep. 417 Nepali Natak Ekanki Ra NIban
9 Pop. 416 Foundation Of Population Education
10 Pop. 417 Quality Of Life
    Minor Subject
1. Nep. 418 Nepali Katha Ra Upanyas
1. Pop. 418 Foundation Of Population Education


                                            2nd Year

    Compulsary Subject
S.N. Subject Code Subject Name
1. Ed. 421 Educational Psychology
    Major Subject
1. Eco. 422 Nepalese Economy
2. Eco. 423 Economics Of Development & Planning
3. Eco. 424 Economics Of Education
4 Eng. 422 Expanding Horizons In English
5 Eng. 423 English For Communication
6 Eng. 424 Basic Of Academic Writing
7 HP. 422 Fundamentals Of Public Health
8 HP. 423 Mgmt & Supervision Of Health & Physical Edu.
9 HP. 424 Sports Science & Game
10 Nep. 422 Bhasa Bigyan Ra Nepali Bhasa
11 Nep. 423 Nepali Kabita Kabya
12 Nep. 424 Nepali Bhasa Pathya.,Pathyapustak Tatha Sikshen Pad.
13 Pop. 422 Population Situation Of Nepal
14 Pop. 423 Population Dynamics
15 Pop. 424 Basic Environmental Education
    Minor Subject
1. Nep. 428 Bhasa Bigyan Ra Nepali Bhasha
2. Nep. 429 Nepali Kabita Kabya
3. Pop. 428 Population Situation Of Nepal
4. Pop. 429 Population Dyanamics


                                            3rd Year

    Compulsary Subject
S.N. Subject Code Subject Name
1. Ced 431 Curriculam & Evaluation
    Major Subject
1. Eco. 432 Methods Of Teachine Econimics
2. Eco. 433 Government Finance & Financial System
3. Eco. 434 International Economics
4 Eng. 432 English Language Methods & Practices
5 Eng. 433 Critical Reading In English
6 Eng. 434 English For Mass Communication
7 HP. 432 Method of T Health and Physical Education
8 HP. 433 Environmental Health and health promotion
9 HP. 434 Research and practicum
10 Nep. 432 Nepali Bhasha Sikshen
11 Nep. 433 Prayogic Bhasha Bigyan
12 Nep. 434 Shityashasatra Ra Nepali Samalochana
13 Pop. 432 Methods Of Teaching Population Education
14 Pop. 433 Fundamentals Of Sexual & Reproductive Health Education
15 Pop. 434 Basic Research In Population Education
    Minor Subject
1. Nep. 439 Nepali Bhasasikchen
3. Pop. 439 Methods Of Teaching Population


                                            4th Year

    Compulsary Subject
S.N. Subject Code Subject Name
1. Ed. 440 Teaching Practice
2. Ed. 442 Classroom Instruction
    Major Subject
1. Eco. 445 Managerial Economics & Research in Econimics Education
2. Eco. 446 Population Economics
3 Eng. 445 Research Methodology In English Education
4 Eng. 446 Literature For Language Development
5 HP. 445 School Health prg.&Comm;. Health Sur.
6 HP. 446 Sports Training in Physical Education
7 Nep. 445 Anushandhan Bidhi
8 Nep. 446 Bayabharik Lekhan Ra Sampadan
9 Pop. 445 Fundamentals Of Ageing
10 Pop. 446 Project Work & Seminar On Population Ecuation
    Minor Subject
1. Nep. 449 Nepali Bhasasikchen
3. Pop. 439 Project Work & Seminar On Population Ecuation